Rosetta Neubla and Bode's Glaxies
春节期间唯一的晴天拍到的!所谓,立春夜空深处,找朵长了八百万年的红色玫瑰,送天下有情人。A red rose, huge as 125 light years, away from 4700 light years, for everyone.
Rosette Nebula
NGC 2237, 2238, 2239 and 2246 - The Rosette Nebula. The distance to the Rosette nebula is well known because there is a start cluster at the centre of the Rosette nebula which makes determining the distance much easier. The Rosette nebula is 4700 light years away and lies in the near side of the Perseus Arm. At the centre of the Rosette nebula is the NGC 2244 cluster. This young, bright cluster is responsible for creating the hole at the centre of the nebula. The intense radiation from the stars has blasted away the gas around them. This picture has a diameter of about 125 light years. This close-up view of part of the Rosette nebula reveals large clumps of dust.1
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(The above location and map come from ©Richard Powell)
M81 (NGC3031) 是一个经典的 Sb 型漩涡星系,又名波德星系。在小型望远镜里,它是一个有明亮中心的大椭圆光球。 其星等是 +6.8 。M82 与 M81 相距 0.5 度。体积庞大的波德星系离地球较近,并且拥有一颗活动星系核 (其中包含了相当于其千万太阳质量的超级黑洞)。M81 星系和 M82 及 NGC 3077 都以万有引力相互作用。 这种强引力驱逐了三个星系中的氢气,使它们形成一种丝状的星体结构。此外,这种引力还导致一些 星系气体陷入 M82 和 NGC 3077 的中心,并且产生一些星爆运动(或者形成了一些新行星)。2