Generate & Send books to Kindle with Single Command
Idea Because books can be sent to kindle by e-mail, linux shell scipts can do it well by a light mail system, such as neomutt with postfix. (Same idea should...
Final Aim: a script to transform PDB to .stl file Last update: 08-15-2019 Reference
小男孩,在水中欢乐地嬉戏。回到岸边,他问道:“师傅,溪水为什么这样 流?”师傅沉默地注视他片刻,回答说:“是土地让溪水这么流。”在返回寺庙的路上, 他们经过一座摇摇晃晃的小桥,小徒弟紧紧抓住师傅的手,望着脚下深深的水面, 问道:“师傅,峡谷为什么这么深?”在安全地到达对岸后,师傅回答他:“是溪水让 土地这么走” ...
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