You are beautiful. Although your news down me, you are far away me. It is far away to meet you. But I don't down myself. Because the existence of youself, wh...
I call it "congnitve triangulation," and it is even more effective than numerical triangulation. It is based on the fact that when we encounter an unknown ph...
校内远程调取实验数据 Sharing Experiment Data only in SUSTech
背景和要求 原先学校细胞房里控制流式细胞仪的电脑为了避免网络上的病毒等 影响,只好断开网线。流式细胞仪数据多是烧录到 CD/DVD。为了 方便,我们设法利用校园网和 Windows 系统自带的“网络驱动器”功能, 让用户可以在校园里随时随地下载实验数据到本地。同时利用 Windows 自带的防火墙限制系统只能访问...
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