Create Virtual Desktop as a Second Screen
When I receive my new laptop HP Spectre x360, I'm interested in using it as the second monitor for my fedora workstation. Because I can use touchscreen and p...
My first chromebook Acer Spin 13 has been accompanied me for 2 years. It is so soomth but not powerful. I decide to have a powerful one: HP spectre X360 13(1...
处理活细胞数据,看着视野里细胞来来往往,“众生相”一词浮现脑海。 现代汉语规范词典注解:原为佛家用语,今泛指世间众人的各种面貌和表现 (panorama of all kinds of people)。我相、人相、众生相、寿者相是出现 在金刚经里的人我四相。六祖慧能做《金刚经口诀》: 修行人有四相。心有能所之分...
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