最早去莫高窟的想法来自高中时刘纯老师,她提醒我们要早点去看,不然晚了就看不到了。 而樊锦诗先生说“百闻不如一见”,直接打动我,所以西行敦煌。而时间上,我避开中秋和 国庆人流,恰逢秋分,天气不冷不热,可以露营过夜。最终我在9/23~9/26去敦煌“面壁”: 面莫高窟壁画、面大漠戈壁、面残垣断壁。路上有体验、有感受,...
Create Virtual Desktop as a Second Screen
When I receive my new laptop HP Spectre x360, I'm interested in using it as the second monitor for my fedora workstation. Because I can use touchscreen and p...
My first chromebook Acer Spin 13 has been accompanied me for 2 years. It is so soomth but not powerful. I decide to have a powerful one: HP spectre X360 13(1...
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