用 Eqmod 代替 SynScan 手柄 好处是,不用接手柄,少一条线,而且不用手动输入地理座标和时间。 觉得便于 Kstars 的 Alignment 和解析。 调节齿轮和轴承的耦合 发现调好齿轮耦合后,接 type-c 充电头,红色的 LED 不闪了;但接 充电宝,依然闪。 应该先调斜面齿轮的咬合,使锁死...
Lots of galaxies are magnificent, but dark after a long travel. Camera's long exposure will collect more star light than our eyes. Stars walk along the sky, ...
The error logs about touchscreen are: Touchscreen driver is already installed, but lack of responding firmware. At the begin, I install the compiled firmw...
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