At this point, cognition science are the set of neuroscience, psychology, philosophy, linguistics, artificial intelligence, anthropology. What are the past,...
阳光原是穿过玻璃窗,射入办公室,但总是被帘子挡住。在 夏天,室外有着强烈的阳光。而室内,关着窗开着空调,让 我觉得这是一个防空洞。是我个人偏好的挑剔,但我还是不 禁想:这么美好的阳光,怎么能舍弃呢?那几支日光灯管怎 么能与“日月同辉”?古人看书喜欢几净窗明。古人在纸张、 布帛和竹简上阅读和书写,而我们阅读电子屏幕...
The universe is an asymmetrical entity. I am inclined to believe that life as it is manifested to us must be a function of the asymmetry of the consequence ...
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